Saturday, January 21, 2012

From pen to Mac.

Check out the next T-Shirt Design...  Let me know what you think.  If you would like one just let me know the size so that I can have them made.

Also..special thanks to  I literally sketched out the images on paper..took a picture on my phone and sent it to them and they made it happen. Fast!.  Consider using them for your design needs.



Sunday, January 15, 2012

Are you still with me?

Hey Guys,

I know I've been off grid for a bit.  But I am currently in the midst of a thaw.  To be honest, I have done nothing that could be mistaken for active in the last few months.  I can blame it on many things but I can also just admit that I let myself get sidetracked.  The key to any journey is to find your way back on course when you get side tracked.  As of today, my scenic route is coming to an end.  I recommit to a healthy life. Tomorrow...stepping on the scale to see how much damage I have inflicted. And then lacing up my kicks to start burning the cals, increasing the miles, and cutting the fat.

Goals for 2012:

Half Marathon: Not sure which one yet.  But April or May...depending on when RunGorditaRun gives birth to our 2nd little one.  Goal is to break the 2hr 30m.

Half Ironman:  Miami 70.3 October 28th.  Goal is just to survive. And finish under the 8 hours.

Hope everyone keeps following.  Promise not to go MIA again.

