Sunday, July 8, 2012


Since today is the NYC TRI... Thought it would be a good day to start blogging again. Here it goes. So, it's been a while. About 9months of my wife's pregnancy and two months of relocating, new jobbing, and a whole lot of procrastinating. Been just Gordo for the last few months. Haven't even contemplated running. Every time I've looked at someone jogging I've looked the other way.  Am I ashamed, a little. Am I disappointed in myself. Probably. Do I regret falling off the wagon. Nope. The last few months have been a time for self reflection. Its been humbling. It's helped me put things in proper prospective. As I begin my road back to respectability it will be with a more balanced approach. Sustainable. Sometimes in our journey we get singularly focused on our goals that we lose sight of what is happening around us. Though it is "our" journey, there is life outside of that journey. I personally do not want to miss out because of my focus. So I am back. Hopefully better than ever. So I've registers for 2 races so far. A 5k in September and a 10k in October. Still deciding which half I'll be shooting for but it'll probably be the 13.1 series in Fort Lauderdale. I liked the one I raced in last year in Queens.  I'll keep you posted. Well, thanks for being patient and hope you keep following. Will definitely have more content moving forward. Vaya, Gordo

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