Sunday, June 26, 2011

6 weeks left...Nooooooo!

So I have 6 weeks left until the triathlon. Ankle feels good. I get a little pain here and there but for the most part can run pretty well on it. Have been able to log good runs.  Last week I ran the Portugal Day run on Father's Day. 5 miles. I was able to finish the race in under an hour. I even had the Gordo cheer squad out there for me. 

I have also been pretty good with my bike time. The stationary bike, from researching, is not too bad for training purposes since you cannot coast on it.  But I still need to find a bike rental place.  Will rent it this week. If anyone knows of a good shop please let me know.

Swimming has not gone so great. I should be extremely worried about my lack of swim time but at this stage in the game I have no room for worry. 6 weeks left. I am going to shoot for 3 swims a week. And float for the best come Tri time.


Save the date...2nd Annual Wet Suit Happy Hour
July 28th 6pm-9pm $30 all you can drink.
Boss Tweeds on Essex Street off of Delancey Street in the LES.
Proceeds to go towards the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
Free gifts and prizes. A lot of fun to be had. And I'll be in a wet suit!

Still shopping around for a web designer for  If you've noticed the site redirects you to this blog.  My hope is to have the site up and running within the next month.

We've added a contributor to the RunGordoRun team.  More details to come but we are going to have some content on common injuries and physical therapy.

Our resident Gordita is going to be taking a kettle ball kickboxing class soon.  Follow her on twitter @rungorditarun to track her progress.

Well, that is all for now. Will get more consistent with posts.


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