Sunday, October 14, 2012


So no cheat week was tough. My craving for sweets was on full blast the first couple of days. I started feeling less urge towards the end of the week. And as I write this entry I feel like I can keep this up for another week. One week at a time will be my approach. I want to lose 16lbs before my half marathon on November 11th. 

This week I lost 3lbs. I am kinda proud of those 3 because on Thursday I came down with the worst allergic reaction to something i ate or was exposed to. I currently have hives all over and itching like crazy. The docs have me on steroids and antihistamines and don't know if I am sleepy or amped up! Fun times. Even
 through that stress I didn't cheat. I passed on froyo, chocolate chip cookies, and brownies. All some of my favorite sweets. If I can make it through that I can make it another month I guess. 13 lbs to go. (since I started running in June I've lost 16lbs...I do a before and after once I reach my goal weight).

In RunGordoRun news:
On instagram we are almost at 200 pictures hash tagged with #rungordorun. A lot of those are mine but recently a lot have been from our awesome followers. Their support definitely keeps me motivated and honest. Keep them coming guys!

Next up is a 10k trail run. It's my first trail run so have no idea how I'll do. Shooting for 1:10 time. 

Thanks again for following me and Gordita! Hope this thing is providing support and motivation and inspiration!



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