Tuesday, October 2, 2012



So I ran in my first 5K of the year!!! The Miami Children's Hospital 5K.  It was on Saturday and I wanted to write about it sooner but have been a mix of exhausted and sick.  Our little Gordita is in preschool and brings back the best germs.  And it didn't help that I still ran 5 miles the next day.  As I write this I am in my 2nd day of rest.  Partly because I am still sick and partly because it has been raining cats and dogs today.  I'll be back on the road in the am for 2 miles.

The race.

My goal was to break 35 minutes but ended up between 36-37 minutes. There was a huge difference between my GPS time and my official time.    I think its because I may have started my GPS too soon. Either way I didn't hit my goal.  I do not feel too bad about it because I felt good out there.

My first mistake was picking up my bib on race day.  Had to wake up extra early and had a bunch of hanging around time. I was ice cold by the time I actually started running.  Also, because I picked up my bib on race day I had to carry the goodie bag the entire race.  A nylon back pack for 3.11 miles in the Florida humidity and a Gordo do not mix.  I had to carry it in my hand the last mile. My finishers photo looked like I was carrying a man purse.

My second mistake was starting at the back of the pack.  This was a great race for an amazing cause but there were a lot of walkers...not Walking Dead walkers...but people who were not there to run the 5K.  The first half mile was filled with dodging other participants. It was a complete bottleneck.  But again, I didn't mind.  There were a bunch of families with the kids there to support the Children's Hospital.  During the first mile I knew this wouldn't be a PR race.  They'll be others.  All things considered had a great time.  It was an awesome race and will definitely do it again next year.

Now I am six weeks from my Half in Fort Lauderdale.  Time to start increasing my milage. My goal for the half is 2:30.


A lot has been going on in the world of RunGordoRun.  We have been sending out wristbands left and right and getting a lot of hashtags on Instagram and Twitter.  Today we got a picture from someone in Ireland who just received his band.  Was really excited about the fact the our wristbands made it across the globe. Our movement is spreading to more than just our family and friends. Siked! Keep the requests coming. We want all 50 states!



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