Sunday, November 18, 2012

After my Half Marathon

Hey Guys,

Its been a while since I last posted.  A lot has happened. First, the half marathon.

The AllState 13.1 Fort Lauderdale:  Was not my best showing.  I attribute it to the bout of allergic reaction that I had a few weeks before.  Was out of commission for a week and never was able to regain my strength in time for the race. The week leading up to the half I felt extremely fatigued and my legs felt dead.  When I woke up race morning I felt it was not going to go well.  So I ran with out my GPS and just enjoyed being out there.  Awesome people out on the course. Felt great to see so many people at different levels.  I ran, I walked, I jogged, I hobbled, and more importantly I finished.  At a few seconds over 3 hours.  I am proud I finished but know there is a lot more work to do.  Going to work on shedding some more lbs and strengthening my legs.  Started doing sprints yesterday.  When Feb comes and I run my next Half I want to do better than my goal of 2:30! I am shooting for sub 2:15!!!!!  I have 3 months.

In RGR news.  We started selling our first T-Shirt.  Tried to make them super cheap.  They are all hand screened with love from the Gordo.  So hopefully you like them.  They'll be more styles and design down the road.  Really appreciate those that have purchased so far.

You can get them at

As usual the wristbands are free.  Send your address to and we'll shoot one out to you.

Next stop is getting this website updated.  Want it to be more user friendly and interactive.  Will keep you posted on that

Until next time...Get out there and run!!! Sign up for a 5K, a 10K, a Half...Challenge yourself to do something you think is impossible.



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