Monday, November 24, 2014

Hello Again...

Hey Gordo's and Gorda's,

I haven't shared on this platform in a long time. A lot of life has happened since I last wrote on this blog. I haven't spent much time running either.  I can honestly say the better part of the last 2 years have been challenging.  We experienced financially set backs, heartbreak & family tragedy.  Though I dedicated the 3 years prior to running half marathons and competing in triathlons the last thing I could muster to do was run.  It saddens me to admit that.  Running was my safe haven through a lot of tough times and when it got the toughest I couldn't do it. I could not run.  So I did not. For a long time.

Most of the time I didn't even think about running.  There was too much going on at any given time to worry about it.  But any time i'd see someone running past by me on the street, and as my clothes stop fitting the way they used to I would, think.  I would reminisce about the races, the finish lines, the waking up in the morning and not even hesitating about running for 5 miles.  I missed the freedom. I missed the spirituality of a run.  I always felt closest to God when I would be in the middle of a run.  I missed. I miss it.  I missed the connections with all the runners on Instagram who followed me and supported me. I missed the newbies who shared the excitement for the runs.  All the people I'd sent RunGordoRun wristbands to.  I felt I abandoned them.

I think the hardest part was being labeled a runner when I hadn't laced up in so long.  I felt like a hypocrite.  But again, too much was going on to motivate me to get back out there.  Until now. As I continue to heal from life I realize that I need to get back to what I miss.  I need to run, again. So last week I signed up for a half marathon on January 24th.  I know, its only 2 months away and its in the dead of winter.  I do not anticipate doing well at all or even running much of it. I just needed a marker, a line in the sand to force myself back.  So, I started to train yesterday.  And I plan on doing a little bit everyday to gain my strength.  So hopefully you guys will continue with me where we left off.



P.S.: You can read more about what happened to us on our other blog

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