Sunday, August 28, 2011

Earthquakes and Hurricanes...

Two natural disasters in one week could not stop me from getting back on track.  I was able to get in 4 runs this weeks. My long run was 4 miles.  I am going to add a mile each for the next 7 weeks to get ready for my next 13.1.  

In addition to getting my running back on I also need to get my food intake back on schedule. Today I prepared all of my food and snacks for the week.  I filled up 5 ziplock bags with low calorie and single serving snacks.  I find it best when I am able to eat something small every 2-3 hours.  I am definitely a grazer.  But I am also horrible at keeping track of what I eat. Left to my own devices and I can do some major damage.  So preparing meals and eating frequently benefits me.  It doesn't work for everyone, so try what works best for you.  The main thing is to try something. 

Today I purchased the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD which I plan on starting tomorrow.  I'll let you know how it is.  Feel free to buy a copy on the link below.  I want to add some more circuit training in the next month to boast the fat burning.  Like I mentioned on my last position I did add a few lbs after the NYCTRI.  The bad news is that I gained 5 lbs...The good news is that I do not regret it.  I feel like I earned it but I also know I have to work hard to lose them again.

Will have updates on all the tabs this week.  Have some special posts coming from Big Mike, RunGoritaRun, and from me!

I am still seeking Before and After weight loss stories.  Please if you or someone you know would like to be featured on our site please email me at  If you are featured you will get a T-shirt!


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