Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 Week 5K Training Schedule

Hey Guys!

Well it is now 5 weeks until my 5K. I am signed up for the 2nd Annual Miami Children's Hospital 5K.

I feel pretty good on the road again but I need to get serious. I have just been concentrating on increasing my endurance but I havent really pushed myself. Consider this a warning to my legs...we are going for broke the next 5 weeks. I did some research online regarding 5K prep schedules but none really drew interest. I consider myself a novice at running. I dont mix things up much, I go out and run. That what I enjoy doing...hence the name. I haven't gotten into mixing up my training. I am just no their yet. I am sure I will once the 5K is over. I have already purchased cones for sprint workouts and looking for hills to get some hill work it. But for the next 5 weeks I am just keeping it simple. Running.

With that said I devised my own schedule based on what I think I can accomplish with my life schedule and knowing that I am currently incorporating other types of strength training (Insanity, Kettle Bell) into my fitness schedule. Feel free to copy.



Rest2 MilesRest2 Miles2 Miles2 Miles4 Miles
Rest2 MilesRest2 Miles2 Miles2 Miles5 Miles
Rest3 MilesRest3 Miles3 Miles3 Miles6 Miles
Rest2MilesRest2 Miles3 Miles3 Miles6 miles
Rest3 MilesRest2 Miles3 MilesRestRACE DAY!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Rock the Bells

Hey Guys,

So I tried out my new Kettle Bell this weekend.  Awesome!  Never thought swinging a ball around would be so hard...and fun.  Since I had no idea what I was doing I searched on Youtube and found a couple of clips.  Check my Twitter feed for some links.  After one 6 minute circuit I was tired so decided to stop.  But I am very excited about continuing to progress with the Kettle.  So much so that I am in the process of purchasing a couple more. I want to be able to swing 2 at a time and do core training with them.  Once I've perfected a routine I will post it so that you can get on that Kettle game!! 

Updates on the running.  Hurricane Isaac came through this weekend but I was able to get in a 5.5 Mile run in on Saturday.  I felt good. As close to my old self except for being a lot slower.  I almost broke 12 minute miles for the entire run but was exhausted towards the end. Came in at 12:04 per mile.  I want to keep adding miles every week and will be doing the research this week on a build up plan for the marathon in January.  I am setting my goal at 5 hours.  I know it's not the most aggressive goal but I am Gordo.  And my fastest half has been 2:40.  So we will see.

We are looking for contributors for the site.  Sorry we can't afford to pay but we can offer some free merch once we are up and running with the T-Shirts. If you are interested in providing Before&After stories, training advice, inspirational stories, anything health and fitness related please hit us up at rungordorun@gmail.com



Friday, August 24, 2012


Hey Guys,

So in my attempt to challenge/punish myself I have decided to run a full marathon. Since I am in So-Flo now I will be running the ING Miami Marathon in January.  I have 5 months to train.  I feel a bit nervous about it since the most i've ever run is 13.1.  But if you don't challenge yourself you will never know how far you can go. Excited to cross the finish line though.

And will probably be trying to raise money for charity.  Have the charity picked and now just deciding how much I think I can raise as a goal.   More to come on that.

Also will be reserving a booth at the Marathon Expo when I run.  Will hopefully be unveiling some RGR Running Apparel over that weekend.   We will be looking for some help in the T-shirt biz soon.  Any help and advice would be appreciated.

Had a quick giveaway contest on Instagram today and have some @RunGordoRun wristbands going to Texas, Nevada, California, New Jersey, and my Beloved NYC.  RGR is going nationwide!!!

As far as my running. I am starting to feel like a runner again.  I have been back on the pavement for about a month and now can run 2 miles without stopping.  Starting back up this time felt horrible. I thought I would never get my form back.  Little by little it is coming back to me.  Tomorrow I am going for 5.5 miles or 6 if I feel good.  Definitely breaking it up with some walk breaks.

RunGorditaRun had a bit of an injury set back this week.  She'll have more on that on her page.  But it comes with the running life.  But we all get back on the track once we get healthy.

Apologies for the lack of focus on this post.  Just wanted to get some nuggets of information out to you.  We will have more substantial content soon.

But in the meantime get up and get going.  Start running! If not now, when?



Friday, August 17, 2012

Stuff brewing...

Hey Fellow Gordo's and Gordita's,

A lot of stuff is brewing in the RGR world.  First, a lot of training. I am preparing for a 5K, 10k, and a Half Marathon.  And even more exciting, our very own RunGorditaRun is preparing for her first 5K. She is showing the dedication for all the post-maternaty moms out there.   Follow her on her tab as she will be tracking her progress and the ups and downs of becoming a runner after baby numero dos... Look up, its the RunGorditaRun table...and on twitter @rungorditarun.

We are also prepping some new merch to spread the message. Free gifts and contest in the works. And other things...que mad scientist laugh.

Thanks for being patient guys. And thanks for always being supportive of RGR.  Have recieved emails, Facebook, and Twitter hits about how our posts and updates keep you motivated.  Its been tough for us to keep up with RGR for the last few months...a lot of transition going on.  But we are back and ready to keep it going.  Plus, we live in Florida now so no more excuses about weather. We can RUN all year.!!!



Oh we're on Instagram!!!  @rungordorun  Please follow...