Sunday, May 22, 2011


What if there were AA meetings for fat people..
and you had to declare,
My name is Erik and I am fat,
Its been 4 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, and 8½ hours since I've been skinny.
What if instead of crack, Biggie wrote the 10 fat commandments,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9....Its the 10 Fat Commandments, what!
I've been this size for years,
It's made me an animal,
There's rules to this shyt I wrote me a manual...
Numero Uno,
Never let no one know how much weight you hold!
If you ain't got the dessert say hell no,
I'm gonna want my cake rain, sleet, hail, snow,
What if fat was the new black?
And there was an organization called the National Association for the Advancement of FAT People (NAAFP) that stood up for our rights,
What if the movie was titled Men in Fat?
And instead of Will Smith the star of the movie was Al Roker,
before gastric bypass,
What if being fat was really (Ph)at?
And being called the F-Word was as bad as being called the N-Word,
But it doesn't matter if you hurt our feelings..
We're jolly,
We smile all the time...
We can take a joke,
We're tons of fun,
We're obviously deaf...
What if we were more than just a great personality?
Cuddly, Sweet?
F That!
I think I'm sexy?
You're right...I am FAT!
F*cking All the Time!
Fine And Tempting!
I am FAT!
Get on board ladies,
I know there is a fat kid in your life...
and I know you've wondered how it would me...its great.
We're like Lays chips,
Just can't have handle,
What if we looked up to fat atheletes?
Like sumo wrestlers, professional bowlers, and bass fisherman
and instead of gatorade commercials they appeared on milk shake advertisments,
What if instead of infomercials about exercise machines and juicers I could buy a nicer sofa and a extra powerful remote at 3am in the morning for 3 payments of 19.99?
What if we could just be accepted?
What if you didn't smerk everytime we go up to the buffet
or grabbed the last seat on the bus
or speed walk instead of run on the treadmill
or take the esclator instead of the stairs,
What if we didn't get stares...
or side comments?
Maybe we'd feel human?
Try it..
I'm sure your friends,
partners would appreciate that...
You all know one Fat person,
Even though you probably don't admit it to them,
Just respect them,
We're FAT...and proud of it.

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