Thursday, May 19, 2011

My 31st

My 31st.

As I turn 31 many thoughts cross my mind.  It was exactly 2 years ago, during my 29th birthday, that I decided I needed to change my life. I was 294lbs, size 42 waist, size 18 1/2 neck, and size 52 suit jacket. I was a very very big boy... 

My thoughts are about the last 2 years...they have been both challenging and rewarding.  I have dropped weight, i have gained weight back, then dropped weight again.  Ups and downs.  But in the process I have learned a lot about myself.  I have gotten to know my limitations as well as what I can accomplish.  As this 2 year mark passes I sit at a bit of a plateau. I am a bit discouraged.  Only because I am still recovering from injury and feel hesitant to push through my fear of getting hurt.  Just a little over a month ago I felt the strongest I had ever felt.  I was running sub 10 minute miles and was cutting my times with every run.  Now I feel like I am starting from square reality I know I can regain my form quickly...but the mental block reeks havoc on a weight loss journey.  I have been in the place before and I know my first step is to acknowledge my successes so far and set new goals to strive for...and since I am sharing this blog with everyone I will do so here...

Successes so far, currently I am 236lbs , size 36 waist, size 17 neck, and size 46 suit jacket.  I must confess that I have been as low as 230 a couple of times and cannot seems to break that weight.  

Goals: I want to lose 40lbs by the end of the year.  My magic number 100lbs when I started.  But I never expected it to be quick but rather a manageable weight loss that I could keep off long term.  

So there you have it.  I encourage you to set goals for yourself.  They don't have to be lofty.  It can be as small as eating less bread, or taking the stairs more often.  The war is won in battles.  My battle tomorrow is to wake up early and log some mileage. Wish me luck...for tomorrow..and for the next 40!



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