Sunday, May 15, 2011

Urban Dare 2011

This weekend my wife and I participated in the Urban Dare in NYC. I thought I would review it for anyone who is interested...and since this is a blog pertaining to health I can tell you right now it is definitely a calorie burn. We probably covered 4-5 miles in the 3 or so hours we spent running around the city. This is a great way to mix up your exercise routine. Plus it is fun as hell.

First, we were given 12 clues to solve that would uncover locations in the city where we would have to either, have our picture taken or perform a dare. Sounds simple..definitely not. There is no chronology to the locations so it is up to each team to decide where to start and in what order to complete. The questions were so random that i just had to thank God for Google and my Droid phone (minus my battery which almost died towards the end).

So through the course of getting to each location we must have taken 5 trains, a bus, and ran/walked/three legged raced(yes we did!) and in the process covered quite a few miles. By the end we could barely finish but had a great time. We saw places we never thought to find. We learned interesting things about our great city. We sweated like we were running from the law and had one of the best times we spent together in a long time. I always say..the couple that sweats together, stays together.

A few things...

Most certainly would participate again. Not sure with Urban Dare though. A bit disorganized. It started a half hour late yet they did not extend the end time of the race. I don't think they anticipated the turn out...over 200 teams. Not really worth the $$$ we spent, as far as perks/customer service.

If you have a bad relationship do not do this!!! It could easily become 3 hours of arguments.

All in all..a very good time.



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