Sunday, July 31, 2011

One Week Away...

This time next week i'll be either wearing my finishers medal around my neck or kicking myself on the @ss for not being able to cross the finish line.  Either way, i've had an interesting few months training for this event and helping to raise money for Teamfox.

Do I feel like I am 100% A few stress filled weeks have done wonders for my training.  I feel exhausted most of the time and keeping motivated has been tough.  I'd say I've been at about 70% of where I should.   Do I feel like I am better prepared than last year...yes.  Last year's Tri was my first event of any type so I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  Am I any less nervous...nope.  There are a lot of questions and second guessing leading up to next week.  Especially for someone who is not a "born" athlete. At the end of the day I am still 200+ lbs and still in the midst of the journey of weight loss.

For me this is just one of many hurdles I will jump to reach my goal.  We test ourselves because we need to know we can win the battles.  Those wins keep us motivated to win the war.  Do I think one event defines my failure or  If any of you are on a similar path do not let it either.  There will always be another chance to win.  And in a life where sometimes we give up just so that we do not fail, trying is all that really matters.  So I am going to give it my best TRI next Sunday.

I will be updating my twitter during my transitions and when(if) I cross the finish line.  So please follow me at Twitter. If you are in the Central Park area on Sunday come by and show support.



My race next week is dedicated to every one that identifies as a Gordo or Gorda and is proud of it!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy Hour Pics!!!!

This past Thursday we had the 2nd Annual Wet Suit Happy Hour...At Boss Tweeds in the Lower East Side. This year is was to benefit TeamFox and with the help of all our friends we were able to raise $230 for the charity.  With my company match I am close to $2,000 raised with about $500 to go.  Besides a few uncompetitive games of flip cup (we had a few weak links in the chain) the highlight of the usual...was my grand appearance in a wet suit.  Just want to give a special thanks to the good people at Boss Tweeds for keeping the AC on blast.  A gordo in a wetsuit is a recipe for body heat.    Seriously though, we were treated very well at Boss Tweed's so if you are ever in the LES on Essex St/Delancey stop in for a drink.  Tell them RunGordoRun sent you.

I also want to give a special thank you to everyone that came out. I hope you all had a great time.  To my peeps at RHI (past & present), you always represent and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate that.  You all make it easy for me to embarrass myself in a neoprene suit in the middle of a dive bar. Can't wait for next year!

1. The NYCTRI is a week away...Goal is to break 4 hours. We'll see how that goes.

2. Next week I will be the father of a 3 year old. So I'll have to have some birthday cake before my Tri.

3.  If you haven't noticed yet we have new tabs on the web page.  We plan on launching a beta version of the RunGordoRun webpage/magazine sometime in August.  There will be Food tips, recipes, exercise tips, injury preventions, review of events, merch store, and local discounts to health and fitness related merchants.  We plan on working the kinks out and relaunching in November.  Launch Party info to come....sans wetsuit.

Thanks again for the support you have shown, whether donations, coming out to the event, sporting the wristband and shirt, or just giving props.


PS: Enjoy the Photos of the event... if you have any of your own please link them to our FB page.

                                          Photography by Leslie Santos

Buy a Beer Pong Table!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Only 013 Until the...

...The 11th Annual Nautica New York City Triathlon. Yup. That is what's on the home page of the NYCTRI website. I can almost remember when it was 200+ days when I registered. Definitely not as nervous as I am now. Must be the fact that my swimming is not much better than it was last year. But no use worrying with only 013 days left. Seriously, at this point I cannot do anything more to enhance my abilities. I am just concentrating on my swim form and trying to stay health before the race. Not trying to replay my sprained ankle before my last Half Marathon.

I have made some strides on my bike this year. I have been training mostly on the stationary bike. I decided to spend the money on renting a better bike instead of half assing it on a road bike like I did last year. Hopefully it works out. I read somewhere that the stationary offers a comparable workout since you cannot coast on the SBike. I completed a "25" mile ride at the gym on Friday. Took me about 1 hour and 40 minutes. I am sure the real thing will take me longer. I am just shooting for 2 hours. What ever the result I know I trained at least 3 times harder for the bike this year.

I am going to head out for a 5 mile run shortly. I have taken it easy on my runs recently. I have been trying to save my ankle for the race. But have to start increasing my mileage. Besides the NYCTRI I have also signed up for the Bronx Half Marathon on August 28th. So need to get in some long runs before the race.

This Thursday at Boss Tweeds in the Lower East Side. (Essex St. off of Delancey St.) Happy Hour event to benefit Team Fox. 6pm-9pm All you can drink for $30. Proceeds to go to the charity. I am running the race with Team Fox for the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Free gifts from Gu Energy and Vitalicious. Free RunGordoRun flip cups for everyone who comes.... oh, and I'll be in a wet suit.

***If you cannot make it. Please donate on my donation page. Any donation is accepted. Even if its $1. It is going to a great cause.  I have about $1,000 committed.  And thats without my company match program. Need about $800 more to hit my Goal of $2500.


Excited about the Tri.  Want it to be over.  Want to concentrate on just running for a little while... That is until San Juan 70.3 in March.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

kettleball kickboxing

Another posting from our resident Gordita! Enjoy.

KettleBall KickBoxing:

Another Groupon, another fitness class! I got an awesome deal for 5 kettleball kickboxing classes.  
Last Thursday was my first class, here’s my review:

I walked into an unassuming building off of Canal Street and walked up to the third floor of 394 Broadway, home of Anderson’s Martial Arts (follow them on twitter @AMAANYC). The studio space was large and much nicer than one would have thought from looking outside in. I walked up to the front desk, signed in, and handed them my Groupon. Easy as pie, and I was on my way. The women’s locker area was a little small for my liking, but there were plenty of locker spaces. I popped my bag in, grabbed a water from the vending machine, and headed into the studio. I sat down at about 6:02pm, half expecting to be late, but class didn’t actually start until closer to 6:10pm or so. Not wanting to over-extend my-self the first class (but also not look like a complete wuss), I grabbed a 10lb and a 20lb kettleball. There were probably about 30 women in my class, but the studio space definitely accommodated us all. What’s more, registration is required before-hand as to not fall into overcrowding, which I’m sure we all appreciated. Our instructor was actually already in the room, walking around, chatting with some women, sometimes about technique, and other times simply about how their week went. Once class got started, we literally jumped right in.  
I wasn’t so crazy about this; I felt more time should have been dedicated to selecting the proper kettleballs, as improper weight could lead to some serious injuries. The class is designed for all fitness levels, and not everyone is going to walk in knowing what to do. Another aspect I wasn’t so thrilled about: the music! Our instructor mentioned that she had just had a ton of new music downloaded onto her ipod, and thus she really had no idea what her playlists consisted of. What this meant for us was jumpy, disoriented beats, which were somewhat distracting. It’s hard to focus on keeping your core tight and your knees locked when you’re going from Rihanna to Pearl Jam. It turns out that the air conditioner was also off for about 45 minutes of our class; having spent a month at bikram yoga, I didn’t mind much. Now, onto the good stuff: the workout! Boy can we say intense. The actual workout was a mixture of traditional kickboxing moves (front kicks, combination punches) mixed with core and strength training techniques, accompanied with the kettleball. There were tons of squats in varying forms and degrees (and when I say tons, I mean my thigh muscles were yelling profanities at me for about 2 days). There were also lunges, jumps, ab/back excercises, and a ton of arm moves designed to make you feel like you should walk out looking like Linda Hamilton in the Terminator. You are allowed use of the facilities after the class, should you feel like you have not beat your body up enough and want to crank out another 45 minutes on the treadmill. All in all, this workout is great for lengthening and toning your muscles. Combined with a good diet and regular cardio, kettleball kickboxing seems like it would be an awesome, fun way to get your muscles toned and fit.

Next up: Ballet!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

App of the Week - EndoMondo

I know it's been a while since the last App of the Week. But I was inspired this morning after forgetting my Garmon before my run. Checked out the android market and found EndoMondo. Was great for tracking my pace and distance and calories. You can even connect to Facebook if you want to let the world know how fast or slow you go. Additionally, I didn't have to carry an extra device and it didn't kill my battery. Check them out. The have a free and upgraded version.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6th

So after a couple of days off...from work and from the workouts...I feel better. Had a chance to clear a lot from the brain and rest before I gear up for the NYC Triathlon. I am nervous. Last year I had zero expectations. I just wanted to survive. This year I actually want to do well. But hey, well for me is not great. Its still

As you may notice our site looks a little different. I tried to dress it up since we are going to start adding some content within the coming month. Hope to have our first monthly issue out by August first. We'll have info on recipes, running types, exercises, injury prevention. Want to start creating a road map for all of you that want to start your weight loss journey. We will also profile a before and after success story each month. If you or someone you know has lost 50 or more lbs please recommend them to me. I would love to profile them. A free shirt for anyone we profile. Email me at We'll also have weekly and daily content for all you "Gordo's" out there. We're also working on a web store for RunGordoRun apparel...


I swam today! Need to get in the water many more times in the next month. I suck right now.

GU Energy is donating 100 packs of Energy Gels for our fundraiser July 28th. We will have goodie bags for every one who comes. BUY GU Energy Gels! They are great for long runs and for fueling while you compete.

31 days left...


Monday, July 4, 2011

Almost a month!

So its almost a month...5 weeks to be exact before the Triathlon. My workouts were pretty good up until this week. I think a a mix of stress and bad time management have made it difficult to log the needed time. My last workout was on Thursday. But it was a 15 mile bike ride and a 3 mile run. Felt very good afterwards. Maybe the few days of rest afterwards may be good for me since I am going to have to push myself for the next 5 weeks. Tonight I am doing some circuits and tomorrow morning swim...if it doesn't rain.

I am going into planning mode. Planned food, drink, and exercise for the next 5 weeks. I am also shooting to get down to 230 for the race. I hoped to be lower but this summer has been filled with events. Events = good food = my diet has been out the window. But minus my Happy Hour on July 28th, I have no events to look forward to before the Tri. A tip from my weight loss journey was keeping a food journal. Its tough to be honest about what food we eat, even to ourselves. But this is a great way to keep control of what we eat and how much of it we eat. Especially when you are at a 4th of July BBQ and you down 2 hot dogs, 2 burgers, pasta salad, chips, cup cakes, soda, beers, etc. Not judging anyone...i've eaten this type of menu on occasion. But knowing that I have to actually record this binge and the calories it equates to stop me from eating as much...sometimes. I love food, i'm sorry. For me it just means more more miles on my feet or more time on the bike. Life is short not to enjoy food once in a while. Just write it down!


I posted our new logo yesterday. Hope everyone liked.

I found a bike shop in Park Slope that rents Tri bikes. Heading there tomorrow to check them out.

I reached out to several health food companies about donating product to my fundraiser on the 28th and was nixed by all but one. Hoping to get a reply from the last within the week. But guessing by the others I am not counting on it.

Everyone have a safe 4th of July. Happy B-Day America!


PS: Click our Ads. I put up ones that pertain to the postings. Gracias

Article about stress and weight gain from WebMD