Monday, July 4, 2011

Almost a month!

So its almost a month...5 weeks to be exact before the Triathlon. My workouts were pretty good up until this week. I think a a mix of stress and bad time management have made it difficult to log the needed time. My last workout was on Thursday. But it was a 15 mile bike ride and a 3 mile run. Felt very good afterwards. Maybe the few days of rest afterwards may be good for me since I am going to have to push myself for the next 5 weeks. Tonight I am doing some circuits and tomorrow morning swim...if it doesn't rain.

I am going into planning mode. Planned food, drink, and exercise for the next 5 weeks. I am also shooting to get down to 230 for the race. I hoped to be lower but this summer has been filled with events. Events = good food = my diet has been out the window. But minus my Happy Hour on July 28th, I have no events to look forward to before the Tri. A tip from my weight loss journey was keeping a food journal. Its tough to be honest about what food we eat, even to ourselves. But this is a great way to keep control of what we eat and how much of it we eat. Especially when you are at a 4th of July BBQ and you down 2 hot dogs, 2 burgers, pasta salad, chips, cup cakes, soda, beers, etc. Not judging anyone...i've eaten this type of menu on occasion. But knowing that I have to actually record this binge and the calories it equates to stop me from eating as much...sometimes. I love food, i'm sorry. For me it just means more more miles on my feet or more time on the bike. Life is short not to enjoy food once in a while. Just write it down!


I posted our new logo yesterday. Hope everyone liked.

I found a bike shop in Park Slope that rents Tri bikes. Heading there tomorrow to check them out.

I reached out to several health food companies about donating product to my fundraiser on the 28th and was nixed by all but one. Hoping to get a reply from the last within the week. But guessing by the others I am not counting on it.

Everyone have a safe 4th of July. Happy B-Day America!


PS: Click our Ads. I put up ones that pertain to the postings. Gracias

Article about stress and weight gain from WebMD

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