Sunday, January 18, 2015

17 Down...

So it's been 3 weeks since I've been back on the wagon. I haven't really run a lot because it's been either raining or cold most days I've had the extra energy. Beside lowering/monitoring my calorie intake I also started Insanity. I'm into the 3rd week... With a break the lasted a few days. Needed a mental and physical recovery. I started back up today. I just completed Cardio Recovery Week 3. Just going to continue on as if I haven't missed days. I'm just keeping track of the work outs.

The good news is... I've lost 17lbs in 3 weeks. The bad news is I gained 50 in the last year. The grieving process did a number on my emotional eating. It happens. That's the reality of a weight journey. I call it that instead of a "weight-loss" journey because all of us who aspire to be fit lose and gain...many many times. Some of us never get to that "dream" size. But the most important thing is to never quit. Even if you haven't moved in a few days, in a few months, or like me... In almost a year. Just move when you can. However you can.

I have a half marathon next week. Signed up just to get myself motivated. Hopefully it isn't too cold. I plan on running a little bit and walking a lotta bit. It's a 3hr time limit so that is my goal.

I intend on getting some wristbands out again and hope to press some new t-shirts. More on that soon.

Until next time.



Monday, November 24, 2014

Hello Again...

Hey Gordo's and Gorda's,

I haven't shared on this platform in a long time. A lot of life has happened since I last wrote on this blog. I haven't spent much time running either.  I can honestly say the better part of the last 2 years have been challenging.  We experienced financially set backs, heartbreak & family tragedy.  Though I dedicated the 3 years prior to running half marathons and competing in triathlons the last thing I could muster to do was run.  It saddens me to admit that.  Running was my safe haven through a lot of tough times and when it got the toughest I couldn't do it. I could not run.  So I did not. For a long time.

Most of the time I didn't even think about running.  There was too much going on at any given time to worry about it.  But any time i'd see someone running past by me on the street, and as my clothes stop fitting the way they used to I would, think.  I would reminisce about the races, the finish lines, the waking up in the morning and not even hesitating about running for 5 miles.  I missed the freedom. I missed the spirituality of a run.  I always felt closest to God when I would be in the middle of a run.  I missed. I miss it.  I missed the connections with all the runners on Instagram who followed me and supported me. I missed the newbies who shared the excitement for the runs.  All the people I'd sent RunGordoRun wristbands to.  I felt I abandoned them.

I think the hardest part was being labeled a runner when I hadn't laced up in so long.  I felt like a hypocrite.  But again, too much was going on to motivate me to get back out there.  Until now. As I continue to heal from life I realize that I need to get back to what I miss.  I need to run, again. So last week I signed up for a half marathon on January 24th.  I know, its only 2 months away and its in the dead of winter.  I do not anticipate doing well at all or even running much of it. I just needed a marker, a line in the sand to force myself back.  So, I started to train yesterday.  And I plan on doing a little bit everyday to gain my strength.  So hopefully you guys will continue with me where we left off.



P.S.: You can read more about what happened to us on our other blog

Sunday, November 18, 2012

After my Half Marathon

Hey Guys,

Its been a while since I last posted.  A lot has happened. First, the half marathon.

The AllState 13.1 Fort Lauderdale:  Was not my best showing.  I attribute it to the bout of allergic reaction that I had a few weeks before.  Was out of commission for a week and never was able to regain my strength in time for the race. The week leading up to the half I felt extremely fatigued and my legs felt dead.  When I woke up race morning I felt it was not going to go well.  So I ran with out my GPS and just enjoyed being out there.  Awesome people out on the course. Felt great to see so many people at different levels.  I ran, I walked, I jogged, I hobbled, and more importantly I finished.  At a few seconds over 3 hours.  I am proud I finished but know there is a lot more work to do.  Going to work on shedding some more lbs and strengthening my legs.  Started doing sprints yesterday.  When Feb comes and I run my next Half I want to do better than my goal of 2:30! I am shooting for sub 2:15!!!!!  I have 3 months.

In RGR news.  We started selling our first T-Shirt.  Tried to make them super cheap.  They are all hand screened with love from the Gordo.  So hopefully you like them.  They'll be more styles and design down the road.  Really appreciate those that have purchased so far.

You can get them at

As usual the wristbands are free.  Send your address to and we'll shoot one out to you.

Next stop is getting this website updated.  Want it to be more user friendly and interactive.  Will keep you posted on that

Until next time...Get out there and run!!! Sign up for a 5K, a 10K, a Half...Challenge yourself to do something you think is impossible.



Thursday, November 1, 2012

Off Grid...

Sorry Guys,

Have been off grid for a few weeks.  Been busy in the lab trying to get some things with respect to RGR T-Shirts going... Will be offering some designs soon. Will keep you posted. Will be an afforable way to sport the RGR lifestyle. 



Sunday, October 14, 2012


So no cheat week was tough. My craving for sweets was on full blast the first couple of days. I started feeling less urge towards the end of the week. And as I write this entry I feel like I can keep this up for another week. One week at a time will be my approach. I want to lose 16lbs before my half marathon on November 11th. 

This week I lost 3lbs. I am kinda proud of those 3 because on Thursday I came down with the worst allergic reaction to something i ate or was exposed to. I currently have hives all over and itching like crazy. The docs have me on steroids and antihistamines and don't know if I am sleepy or amped up! Fun times. Even
 through that stress I didn't cheat. I passed on froyo, chocolate chip cookies, and brownies. All some of my favorite sweets. If I can make it through that I can make it another month I guess. 13 lbs to go. (since I started running in June I've lost 16lbs...I do a before and after once I reach my goal weight).

In RunGordoRun news:
On instagram we are almost at 200 pictures hash tagged with #rungordorun. A lot of those are mine but recently a lot have been from our awesome followers. Their support definitely keeps me motivated and honest. Keep them coming guys!

Next up is a 10k trail run. It's my first trail run so have no idea how I'll do. Shooting for 1:10 time. 

Thanks again for following me and Gordita! Hope this thing is providing support and motivation and inspiration!



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Gordo Codes

1. If you can fast. 
    If you can't run..walk fast.
    If you can't walk fast...walk slow. Just move.
2. If you must eat a cookie...share. Spread the calories.

3. If you must eat fries...see code number 2.

4. If you must judge...judge effort...your own.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



So I ran in my first 5K of the year!!! The Miami Children's Hospital 5K.  It was on Saturday and I wanted to write about it sooner but have been a mix of exhausted and sick.  Our little Gordita is in preschool and brings back the best germs.  And it didn't help that I still ran 5 miles the next day.  As I write this I am in my 2nd day of rest.  Partly because I am still sick and partly because it has been raining cats and dogs today.  I'll be back on the road in the am for 2 miles.

The race.

My goal was to break 35 minutes but ended up between 36-37 minutes. There was a huge difference between my GPS time and my official time.    I think its because I may have started my GPS too soon. Either way I didn't hit my goal.  I do not feel too bad about it because I felt good out there.

My first mistake was picking up my bib on race day.  Had to wake up extra early and had a bunch of hanging around time. I was ice cold by the time I actually started running.  Also, because I picked up my bib on race day I had to carry the goodie bag the entire race.  A nylon back pack for 3.11 miles in the Florida humidity and a Gordo do not mix.  I had to carry it in my hand the last mile. My finishers photo looked like I was carrying a man purse.

My second mistake was starting at the back of the pack.  This was a great race for an amazing cause but there were a lot of walkers...not Walking Dead walkers...but people who were not there to run the 5K.  The first half mile was filled with dodging other participants. It was a complete bottleneck.  But again, I didn't mind.  There were a bunch of families with the kids there to support the Children's Hospital.  During the first mile I knew this wouldn't be a PR race.  They'll be others.  All things considered had a great time.  It was an awesome race and will definitely do it again next year.

Now I am six weeks from my Half in Fort Lauderdale.  Time to start increasing my milage. My goal for the half is 2:30.


A lot has been going on in the world of RunGordoRun.  We have been sending out wristbands left and right and getting a lot of hashtags on Instagram and Twitter.  Today we got a picture from someone in Ireland who just received his band.  Was really excited about the fact the our wristbands made it across the globe. Our movement is spreading to more than just our family and friends. Siked! Keep the requests coming. We want all 50 states!

