Monday, September 10, 2012

100 miles and running..

Hey Guys,

Yesterday I celebrated my 100 mile run since I started training again.  Not a huge number, but I believe that a final goal is reached by accomplishing smaller goals along the way.  When I started running again in June I was running a plus 14 minute mile and as of this week I am close to a sub 11 minute mile. I have lost like 12lbs and am slowly feeling as strong and fast as I did last year.  Super excited about my 5K in 3 weeks.  Really enjoy the racing atmosphere. The thing I love most about the running community is that it is a very supportive community.  And it is definitely in full display during a race.  I am hearing from a lot of you about races you have signed up for or getting into running for the first time or restarting. These updates make me even more motivated to run everyday.  Please keep us posted on races and completion times.  We definitely want to give props to you and highlight you on this page.  We'll even send you a wristband as a gift for getting on the pavement.

We've been in the lab recently brainstorming ways to take RunGordoRun to the next level.  The Gordita and I want to advance this thing to more than just our personal journey. We want to make it our life's work.  We are looking to network with individuals in the health and fitness arena (Personal Trainers, instructors, Gym Owners, exercise apparel designers, bloggers, health food/supplement distributors, people in the midst of a weight loss journey, or even just beginners) in the South Florida area. If you are in that field please shoot us an email so that we can network    We want to create a place, be it physical or virtual, that can be a haven for those who want to change their lives...for the first time, 2nd time, or 20th times. A place where no one judges where you our in your journey.  Where no one cares if you failed before.  We want to motivate and inspire and we have a few ideas and want to speak to those who are already doing it. Before we can pay it forward we'll need some of you to hopefully pay it forward to us.

One of the things we are working on is a KickStarter campaign for the RunGordoRun Apparel line. We will probably be launching the campaign in October. We are just working on a few designs for the shirts and shopping a distributor. We will have male and female designs and hope you guys can support once we get that out.   More info on that soon.

Well that's it for now.  Please follow us on Twitter and Instagram @rungordorun and @rungorditarun

Keep running!



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