Saturday, September 15, 2012

8 States down, 42 to go!

Whats up Gordo's and Gordita's,

We have been feeling all the love from you guys. We have sent out a lot of RunGordoRun wristbands and love seeing the pictures up on Facebook and Instagram.  We've sent them to Nevada, California, Texas, South Carolina, Minnesota, Florida, New York, & New Jersey. Would love to get one to each of the 50 States.  Keep the request coming!!

So had a good mileage week this week. 16 miles total with a long run of 6miles (longest I've run in a year) this morning. My ankles are really sore right now. Picked up some Epsom salt for a soak. I am usually okay with dealing with the pain of soreness but feel jacked up right now and I hear a soak usually does wonders. I have 2 weeks left before the 5k and don't need a bum ankle to slow me down.

That's it for tonight.  Exhausted but excited to run on Monday...Rest day tomorrow!!



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