Sunday, November 18, 2012

After my Half Marathon

Hey Guys,

Its been a while since I last posted.  A lot has happened. First, the half marathon.

The AllState 13.1 Fort Lauderdale:  Was not my best showing.  I attribute it to the bout of allergic reaction that I had a few weeks before.  Was out of commission for a week and never was able to regain my strength in time for the race. The week leading up to the half I felt extremely fatigued and my legs felt dead.  When I woke up race morning I felt it was not going to go well.  So I ran with out my GPS and just enjoyed being out there.  Awesome people out on the course. Felt great to see so many people at different levels.  I ran, I walked, I jogged, I hobbled, and more importantly I finished.  At a few seconds over 3 hours.  I am proud I finished but know there is a lot more work to do.  Going to work on shedding some more lbs and strengthening my legs.  Started doing sprints yesterday.  When Feb comes and I run my next Half I want to do better than my goal of 2:30! I am shooting for sub 2:15!!!!!  I have 3 months.

In RGR news.  We started selling our first T-Shirt.  Tried to make them super cheap.  They are all hand screened with love from the Gordo.  So hopefully you like them.  They'll be more styles and design down the road.  Really appreciate those that have purchased so far.

You can get them at

As usual the wristbands are free.  Send your address to and we'll shoot one out to you.

Next stop is getting this website updated.  Want it to be more user friendly and interactive.  Will keep you posted on that

Until next time...Get out there and run!!! Sign up for a 5K, a 10K, a Half...Challenge yourself to do something you think is impossible.



Thursday, November 1, 2012

Off Grid...

Sorry Guys,

Have been off grid for a few weeks.  Been busy in the lab trying to get some things with respect to RGR T-Shirts going... Will be offering some designs soon. Will keep you posted. Will be an afforable way to sport the RGR lifestyle. 



Sunday, October 14, 2012


So no cheat week was tough. My craving for sweets was on full blast the first couple of days. I started feeling less urge towards the end of the week. And as I write this entry I feel like I can keep this up for another week. One week at a time will be my approach. I want to lose 16lbs before my half marathon on November 11th. 

This week I lost 3lbs. I am kinda proud of those 3 because on Thursday I came down with the worst allergic reaction to something i ate or was exposed to. I currently have hives all over and itching like crazy. The docs have me on steroids and antihistamines and don't know if I am sleepy or amped up! Fun times. Even
 through that stress I didn't cheat. I passed on froyo, chocolate chip cookies, and brownies. All some of my favorite sweets. If I can make it through that I can make it another month I guess. 13 lbs to go. (since I started running in June I've lost 16lbs...I do a before and after once I reach my goal weight).

In RunGordoRun news:
On instagram we are almost at 200 pictures hash tagged with #rungordorun. A lot of those are mine but recently a lot have been from our awesome followers. Their support definitely keeps me motivated and honest. Keep them coming guys!

Next up is a 10k trail run. It's my first trail run so have no idea how I'll do. Shooting for 1:10 time. 

Thanks again for following me and Gordita! Hope this thing is providing support and motivation and inspiration!



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Gordo Codes

1. If you can fast. 
    If you can't run..walk fast.
    If you can't walk fast...walk slow. Just move.
2. If you must eat a cookie...share. Spread the calories.

3. If you must eat fries...see code number 2.

4. If you must judge...judge effort...your own.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



So I ran in my first 5K of the year!!! The Miami Children's Hospital 5K.  It was on Saturday and I wanted to write about it sooner but have been a mix of exhausted and sick.  Our little Gordita is in preschool and brings back the best germs.  And it didn't help that I still ran 5 miles the next day.  As I write this I am in my 2nd day of rest.  Partly because I am still sick and partly because it has been raining cats and dogs today.  I'll be back on the road in the am for 2 miles.

The race.

My goal was to break 35 minutes but ended up between 36-37 minutes. There was a huge difference between my GPS time and my official time.    I think its because I may have started my GPS too soon. Either way I didn't hit my goal.  I do not feel too bad about it because I felt good out there.

My first mistake was picking up my bib on race day.  Had to wake up extra early and had a bunch of hanging around time. I was ice cold by the time I actually started running.  Also, because I picked up my bib on race day I had to carry the goodie bag the entire race.  A nylon back pack for 3.11 miles in the Florida humidity and a Gordo do not mix.  I had to carry it in my hand the last mile. My finishers photo looked like I was carrying a man purse.

My second mistake was starting at the back of the pack.  This was a great race for an amazing cause but there were a lot of walkers...not Walking Dead walkers...but people who were not there to run the 5K.  The first half mile was filled with dodging other participants. It was a complete bottleneck.  But again, I didn't mind.  There were a bunch of families with the kids there to support the Children's Hospital.  During the first mile I knew this wouldn't be a PR race.  They'll be others.  All things considered had a great time.  It was an awesome race and will definitely do it again next year.

Now I am six weeks from my Half in Fort Lauderdale.  Time to start increasing my milage. My goal for the half is 2:30.


A lot has been going on in the world of RunGordoRun.  We have been sending out wristbands left and right and getting a lot of hashtags on Instagram and Twitter.  Today we got a picture from someone in Ireland who just received his band.  Was really excited about the fact the our wristbands made it across the globe. Our movement is spreading to more than just our family and friends. Siked! Keep the requests coming. We want all 50 states!



Friday, September 28, 2012

Half Marathon Training Schedule

Hey Guys,

So...I ran a sub 10 minute mile this week. Its was 9:55 to be exact but who's counting? I was huffing and puffing down the road so much so that I think I scared the 2 kids walking their dog.  I am defintely not the most graceful runner out there but as of this week I am a sub 10 minute least for the first mile...cant vouch for the 2nd, or least for now.

I created my running schedule for the next 6 weeks.  It's a half marathon/10K training schedule.  Since I have both races coming up I have to try to run enough to be prepared for both.  Not sure if it is the most aggressive but I thik i'll be able to finish the half on my feet. (See the schedule below and feel free to copy.)

So we've sent out a ton of @rungordorun wristbands this week.  And as we continue sending to different states it has inspired us to get 1 to every state in the U.S.  We want to come up with a campaign to get the word out. I floated an idea to the Gordita that I would run a 50K if we could get the 50 States... 50K/50States.  Thoughts?  I was already planning on running a full marathon in January. I could just run a 50K instead or even just run it on the track in our town.  Maybe on January 1st?  Just a thought.

Well, tomorrow is my 5K.  Going all out to break 35 minutes. I'll keep you posted. 

Go run this weekend!



Beginner/Intermediate Half Marathon/10k Training
REST 2 2 3 Rest 5K!!! 5 miles
REST 3 miles 2 mile SP 3 miles Rest 3 miles 6 miles
REST 3.5 miles 2 mile SP 3 miles Rest 3.5 miles 7 miles
REST 4 miles 2 mile SP 3 miles Rest 4 miles 8 miles
REST 4 miles 2 mile SP 3 miles Rest 10k!!! 9 miles
REST 5 miles 2 mile SP 3 miles Rest 5 miles 10 miles
REST 2 miles 2 mile SP 3 miles Rest Rest 13.1!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

You are what you eat...

Or shyt what you eat.  One week out from my 5K.  I had a awesome beginning of the week.  Ran faster than I have in a very long time.  I was feeling great. Pumped to get to the starting line.  Than...I had a bad, very bad, salmon cake at my Mother-in-Law's complex.  I had nausea for 3 days afterwards. I felt sluggish, exhuasted, and defeated.  Which brings me to my point. You definitely are what you eat. I have been doing very good at my running for the last few months but have not been too disciplined on the food side.  And it is starting to take its toll on my progress. So this week before my race I am committing to a NO CHEAT WEEK.  Hopefully I can keep it up longer but I want to feel awesome next Saturday so will start off with the week.  We'll see where it goes from there.

I have been seeing a lot of stuff on eating Paleo...going to do some research and see if its something that will work for me.  Always game to try something new.

Shout out to my Instafam. They've kept me motivated for the last few weeks.  Excited to post my 5K times on Saturday.

Reminder:  If you are running with Gordo hastage me.  #rungordorun on Twitter & Instagram.



Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1 mile at a time!

Hey Guys,

So this morning I ran a mile in 10min 22secs.  Not the fastest mile in history but a lot faster than I ran a mile about 2 months ago.  When I started running again in July my first mile took me 13min 43secs with a lot of walking breaks.  During that first mile I knew the road back to respectability would be long, it would be tough, and it would be full of a lot of walking breaks.  But I promised myself, no matter how long it took, or how tired I got, I would commit to progression.  Each run I'd push a little harder.  Each morning, I'd hit snooze one less time.  Every day I would remember the first run/walk that took me 13:43 to complete. The last 2 weeks I have been able to run full miles without walking.  Yesterday and today I was able to run faster than I have in a long time.  I am excited about kicking it into the next gear and running longer distances and participating in a few races in the coming weeks.

I also want to continue inspiring those who want to change their lives towards a healthy lifestyle. Individual health.  Our weight loss/fitness journey will always be our own.  Everyone's ideal health or figure varies by individual. And the reality of what one person can achieve is not easily attained by everyone. So I ask... Why have you started your journey?  What weight, size, endurance, sport, speed is your ultimate goal?  What motivates you?  Who supports you?  What derails you?  What/who gives you the wake up call to get back on track?  I ask these questions because some of you reading this may be in the midst of a breakthrough physically or battling to get back on track.  Maybe its been a few days or weeks since you've worked out.  Maybe you overindulged on dessert tonight.  Maybe you are too exhausted to go out for that run.  Whatever your situation know that our journey is about progression.  If you commit to it you will always find your way back or find that inner strength to go a little faster, a bit longer, a lot harder.

I know that was a bit of a ramble but just I want to let those of you reading know that we appreciate the support and we feel fortunate for those who are sharing their experiences with us.  We have connected with so many inspirational people though the site, twitter, Facebook and Instagram.  People of all shapes and sizes. All living out their journey.  All able to progress.

We can all do it...1 mile at a time.



Saturday, September 15, 2012

8 States down, 42 to go!

Whats up Gordo's and Gordita's,

We have been feeling all the love from you guys. We have sent out a lot of RunGordoRun wristbands and love seeing the pictures up on Facebook and Instagram.  We've sent them to Nevada, California, Texas, South Carolina, Minnesota, Florida, New York, & New Jersey. Would love to get one to each of the 50 States.  Keep the request coming!!

So had a good mileage week this week. 16 miles total with a long run of 6miles (longest I've run in a year) this morning. My ankles are really sore right now. Picked up some Epsom salt for a soak. I am usually okay with dealing with the pain of soreness but feel jacked up right now and I hear a soak usually does wonders. I have 2 weeks left before the 5k and don't need a bum ankle to slow me down.

That's it for tonight.  Exhausted but excited to run on Monday...Rest day tomorrow!!



Monday, September 10, 2012

100 miles and running..

Hey Guys,

Yesterday I celebrated my 100 mile run since I started training again.  Not a huge number, but I believe that a final goal is reached by accomplishing smaller goals along the way.  When I started running again in June I was running a plus 14 minute mile and as of this week I am close to a sub 11 minute mile. I have lost like 12lbs and am slowly feeling as strong and fast as I did last year.  Super excited about my 5K in 3 weeks.  Really enjoy the racing atmosphere. The thing I love most about the running community is that it is a very supportive community.  And it is definitely in full display during a race.  I am hearing from a lot of you about races you have signed up for or getting into running for the first time or restarting. These updates make me even more motivated to run everyday.  Please keep us posted on races and completion times.  We definitely want to give props to you and highlight you on this page.  We'll even send you a wristband as a gift for getting on the pavement.

We've been in the lab recently brainstorming ways to take RunGordoRun to the next level.  The Gordita and I want to advance this thing to more than just our personal journey. We want to make it our life's work.  We are looking to network with individuals in the health and fitness arena (Personal Trainers, instructors, Gym Owners, exercise apparel designers, bloggers, health food/supplement distributors, people in the midst of a weight loss journey, or even just beginners) in the South Florida area. If you are in that field please shoot us an email so that we can network    We want to create a place, be it physical or virtual, that can be a haven for those who want to change their lives...for the first time, 2nd time, or 20th times. A place where no one judges where you our in your journey.  Where no one cares if you failed before.  We want to motivate and inspire and we have a few ideas and want to speak to those who are already doing it. Before we can pay it forward we'll need some of you to hopefully pay it forward to us.

One of the things we are working on is a KickStarter campaign for the RunGordoRun Apparel line. We will probably be launching the campaign in October. We are just working on a few designs for the shirts and shopping a distributor. We will have male and female designs and hope you guys can support once we get that out.   More info on that soon.

Well that's it for now.  Please follow us on Twitter and Instagram @rungordorun and @rungorditarun

Keep running!



Monday, September 3, 2012

Its September already???

Hey Guys,

Happy Labor Day. It's a new month, a new season is approaching and the winds of change seem to be getting stronger around these parts.  Change? What does it mean to you?  Change can be many things and can represent many things to many people.  Changing how you eat...water instead of soda, fruits instead of cookies, veggies instead of french fries.  Changing from a couch potato to an active animal, walking instead of driving, stairs instead of elevator,  standing instead of sitting. Whatever your change is, make it positive.  With the new month lets all commit to making a positive change in our lives.  The Gordita and I am committing to walking to the supermarket instead of driving.  We happen to have a Publix half a mile away so we decided to save the gas and haul some a$$ every time we need to pick up some groceries.  May not be the biggest change but its a change nonetheless.  I know each of you can commit to one change too!

If your change happens to be to start running?  Let us know about it at and we'll send you a free rungordorun wristband. Look forward to hearing about your change!




Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 Week 5K Training Schedule

Hey Guys!

Well it is now 5 weeks until my 5K. I am signed up for the 2nd Annual Miami Children's Hospital 5K.

I feel pretty good on the road again but I need to get serious. I have just been concentrating on increasing my endurance but I havent really pushed myself. Consider this a warning to my legs...we are going for broke the next 5 weeks. I did some research online regarding 5K prep schedules but none really drew interest. I consider myself a novice at running. I dont mix things up much, I go out and run. That what I enjoy doing...hence the name. I haven't gotten into mixing up my training. I am just no their yet. I am sure I will once the 5K is over. I have already purchased cones for sprint workouts and looking for hills to get some hill work it. But for the next 5 weeks I am just keeping it simple. Running.

With that said I devised my own schedule based on what I think I can accomplish with my life schedule and knowing that I am currently incorporating other types of strength training (Insanity, Kettle Bell) into my fitness schedule. Feel free to copy.



Rest2 MilesRest2 Miles2 Miles2 Miles4 Miles
Rest2 MilesRest2 Miles2 Miles2 Miles5 Miles
Rest3 MilesRest3 Miles3 Miles3 Miles6 Miles
Rest2MilesRest2 Miles3 Miles3 Miles6 miles
Rest3 MilesRest2 Miles3 MilesRestRACE DAY!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Rock the Bells

Hey Guys,

So I tried out my new Kettle Bell this weekend.  Awesome!  Never thought swinging a ball around would be so hard...and fun.  Since I had no idea what I was doing I searched on Youtube and found a couple of clips.  Check my Twitter feed for some links.  After one 6 minute circuit I was tired so decided to stop.  But I am very excited about continuing to progress with the Kettle.  So much so that I am in the process of purchasing a couple more. I want to be able to swing 2 at a time and do core training with them.  Once I've perfected a routine I will post it so that you can get on that Kettle game!! 

Updates on the running.  Hurricane Isaac came through this weekend but I was able to get in a 5.5 Mile run in on Saturday.  I felt good. As close to my old self except for being a lot slower.  I almost broke 12 minute miles for the entire run but was exhausted towards the end. Came in at 12:04 per mile.  I want to keep adding miles every week and will be doing the research this week on a build up plan for the marathon in January.  I am setting my goal at 5 hours.  I know it's not the most aggressive goal but I am Gordo.  And my fastest half has been 2:40.  So we will see.

We are looking for contributors for the site.  Sorry we can't afford to pay but we can offer some free merch once we are up and running with the T-Shirts. If you are interested in providing Before&After stories, training advice, inspirational stories, anything health and fitness related please hit us up at



Friday, August 24, 2012


Hey Guys,

So in my attempt to challenge/punish myself I have decided to run a full marathon. Since I am in So-Flo now I will be running the ING Miami Marathon in January.  I have 5 months to train.  I feel a bit nervous about it since the most i've ever run is 13.1.  But if you don't challenge yourself you will never know how far you can go. Excited to cross the finish line though.

And will probably be trying to raise money for charity.  Have the charity picked and now just deciding how much I think I can raise as a goal.   More to come on that.

Also will be reserving a booth at the Marathon Expo when I run.  Will hopefully be unveiling some RGR Running Apparel over that weekend.   We will be looking for some help in the T-shirt biz soon.  Any help and advice would be appreciated.

Had a quick giveaway contest on Instagram today and have some @RunGordoRun wristbands going to Texas, Nevada, California, New Jersey, and my Beloved NYC.  RGR is going nationwide!!!

As far as my running. I am starting to feel like a runner again.  I have been back on the pavement for about a month and now can run 2 miles without stopping.  Starting back up this time felt horrible. I thought I would never get my form back.  Little by little it is coming back to me.  Tomorrow I am going for 5.5 miles or 6 if I feel good.  Definitely breaking it up with some walk breaks.

RunGorditaRun had a bit of an injury set back this week.  She'll have more on that on her page.  But it comes with the running life.  But we all get back on the track once we get healthy.

Apologies for the lack of focus on this post.  Just wanted to get some nuggets of information out to you.  We will have more substantial content soon.

But in the meantime get up and get going.  Start running! If not now, when?



Friday, August 17, 2012

Stuff brewing...

Hey Fellow Gordo's and Gordita's,

A lot of stuff is brewing in the RGR world.  First, a lot of training. I am preparing for a 5K, 10k, and a Half Marathon.  And even more exciting, our very own RunGorditaRun is preparing for her first 5K. She is showing the dedication for all the post-maternaty moms out there.   Follow her on her tab as she will be tracking her progress and the ups and downs of becoming a runner after baby numero dos... Look up, its the RunGorditaRun table...and on twitter @rungorditarun.

We are also prepping some new merch to spread the message. Free gifts and contest in the works. And other things...que mad scientist laugh.

Thanks for being patient guys. And thanks for always being supportive of RGR.  Have recieved emails, Facebook, and Twitter hits about how our posts and updates keep you motivated.  Its been tough for us to keep up with RGR for the last few months...a lot of transition going on.  But we are back and ready to keep it going.  Plus, we live in Florida now so no more excuses about weather. We can RUN all year.!!!



Oh we're on Instagram!!!  @rungordorun  Please follow...

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Since today is the NYC TRI... Thought it would be a good day to start blogging again. Here it goes. So, it's been a while. About 9months of my wife's pregnancy and two months of relocating, new jobbing, and a whole lot of procrastinating. Been just Gordo for the last few months. Haven't even contemplated running. Every time I've looked at someone jogging I've looked the other way.  Am I ashamed, a little. Am I disappointed in myself. Probably. Do I regret falling off the wagon. Nope. The last few months have been a time for self reflection. Its been humbling. It's helped me put things in proper prospective. As I begin my road back to respectability it will be with a more balanced approach. Sustainable. Sometimes in our journey we get singularly focused on our goals that we lose sight of what is happening around us. Though it is "our" journey, there is life outside of that journey. I personally do not want to miss out because of my focus. So I am back. Hopefully better than ever. So I've registers for 2 races so far. A 5k in September and a 10k in October. Still deciding which half I'll be shooting for but it'll probably be the 13.1 series in Fort Lauderdale. I liked the one I raced in last year in Queens.  I'll keep you posted. Well, thanks for being patient and hope you keep following. Will definitely have more content moving forward. Vaya, Gordo

Saturday, January 21, 2012

From pen to Mac.

Check out the next T-Shirt Design...  Let me know what you think.  If you would like one just let me know the size so that I can have them made.

Also..special thanks to  I literally sketched out the images on paper..took a picture on my phone and sent it to them and they made it happen. Fast!.  Consider using them for your design needs.



Sunday, January 15, 2012

Are you still with me?

Hey Guys,

I know I've been off grid for a bit.  But I am currently in the midst of a thaw.  To be honest, I have done nothing that could be mistaken for active in the last few months.  I can blame it on many things but I can also just admit that I let myself get sidetracked.  The key to any journey is to find your way back on course when you get side tracked.  As of today, my scenic route is coming to an end.  I recommit to a healthy life. Tomorrow...stepping on the scale to see how much damage I have inflicted. And then lacing up my kicks to start burning the cals, increasing the miles, and cutting the fat.

Goals for 2012:

Half Marathon: Not sure which one yet.  But April or May...depending on when RunGorditaRun gives birth to our 2nd little one.  Goal is to break the 2hr 30m.

Half Ironman:  Miami 70.3 October 28th.  Goal is just to survive. And finish under the 8 hours.

Hope everyone keeps following.  Promise not to go MIA again.

